Robert Kenna, promoted to General Manager - Financial Markets, NSW TCorp


Robert Kenna, General Manager - Financial Markets, NSW TCorp

March 2022


GII congratulates Robert on joining the executive team at NSW TCorp, following his promotion to the role General Manager – Financial Markets at the organsiation. The division’s key activities include raising debt for the state of NSW through bond issuance both domestically and globally, providing loans to the NSW Government public sector, and managing risk on the balance sheet.

NSW TCorp is the investment and financial management partner of the New South Wales government and its investment management arm manages AU$113 billion in assets on behalf of clients, as at 31 December 2021.

TCorp is responsible for protecting the financial interests of the state through investment management, financial management, solutions and advice that delivers sustainable returns and financial efficiencies to enable clients to meet their objectives.

Robert joined TCorp in May 2021 in the role of Head of Funding & Balance Sheet. Previously, he spent 8+ years at the Commonwealth Bank of Australia, most recently in the role of Managing Director of Debt Markets.

We wish Robert all the best in his new role and continued success to the team at NSW TCorp.