Jonathan Rawicz, Senior Portfolio Manager, New Capital, visiting Australia 20 - 24 March 2023


Jonathan Rawicz, Senior Portfolio Manager, EFGAM New Capital, visiting Australia 20 - 24 March 2023


Jonathan Rawicz is a Senior Portfolio Manager of EFGAM’s New Capital Global Equity Conviction Fund. Jonathan will be visiting Australia from 20 – 24 March 2023.

Summary of the New Capital Global Equity Conviction Fund:

  • A long-only, high conviction, global quality growth bias tilt suitable for a core equity allocation

  • Conviction framework = quality + growth

  • Growth stocks outperform when bond yields peak and fall

  • Quality stocks outperform when earnings peak and fall

  • Current positioning:

    • Overweight defensive sectors: Healthcare, Consumer Staples, Technology, Energy

    • Underweight cyclical sectors: Financials, Communication Services, Real Estate

  • Find the best businesses across the globe, buy when they are attractively valued, hold for the long-term

EFGAM is the designated investment manager of Swiss banking group, EFG International. EFGAM manages New Capital funds and strategies and discretionary portfolios for clients worldwide with assets under management of AU$36.8 billion. New Capital provides a wide range of actively managed, high-conviction, global, regional and specialist investments for private clients, financial intermediaries and institutional clients worldwide.

To express interest in meeting with Jonathan on his visit to Australia, please contact Matthew Jackson, Director – Australia, EFGAM New Capital and Shaw & Partners.

Jonathan Rawicz, Senior Portfolio Manager, EFGAM New Capital

Jonathan joined EFGAM in March 2017 as an Equity Analyst, and is the portfolio manager for the New Capital Global Equity Conviction Fund. Prior to joining he worked as an Equity Analyst at AA-Capital, a family office, where he helped manage a long/short fund. Prior to that, he spent five years as an Equity Analyst at Morgan Stanley Quilter. Jonathan started his career in 2005 at Nedbank in Johannesburg where he worked as a sell-side Equity Analyst.

Jonathan has a Masters in Finance from London Business School, an Honours Degree in Econometrics from the University of Johannesburg, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics and Finance from the University of South Africa. He is also a CFA Charterholder.


For Wholesale investors only, within the meaning of the Corporations Act 2001.  EFG Asset Management (UK) Limited is exempt from the requirement to hold an Australian financial services licence in respect of the financial services it provides to wholesale clients in Australia and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority of the United Kingdom (FCA Registration No. 536771) under the laws of the United Kingdom which differ from Australian laws.